

Articles and information to help you stay motivated.

What Is The Key Factor To Kickstart Motivation?

AN ACCOUNTABILITY BUDDY! Goal setting is an individual process of envisioning what you would like to achieve. Although getting someone on board to keep you accountable is extremely powerful. Having an accountability partner can dramatically increase your motivation levels and ability to focus. Your accountability partner could be anyone you trust and respect, such as …Read more »

Breaking Free from Beauty Standards: Redefining Beauty on Your Terms

When did you last look in the mirror and genuinely feel beautiful? Not because society told you so but because you believed it deep in your heart. If your answer is “not recently,” you’re not alone. For far too long, we’ve allowed society to dictate what beauty should look like. We’ve been fed images of …Read more »

5 Tips for Boosted Spring Energy

Winter has finally come to an end, and it’s a great time to hit the reset button. It’s time to step out into the world once more. You don’t have to reach full speed right away — just make small gentle steps in the right direction. Let’s look at five simple ways to shake off …Read more »

10 Self-Improvement Challenges for Healthier Habits

Self-improvement is a practice that takes a lifetime to master. In fact, as we grow older we should always be seeking personal growth as we continue our journeys of learning and development. But the truth is, that comes with challenges. And, while some people shy away from challenges or things that make them uncomfortable, it’s …Read more »

How Affirmations Can Increase Motivation

You may have learned from experience that words have power, which is why the adage “be careful what you wish for” remains relevant to this day. This is why words of encouragement can lead you to success, while negative self-talk can result in failure. Affirmation refers to the act of affirming something or declaring it …Read more »

5 Steps for Setting SMART Goals that Stick

A Practical Guide for Achieving Your Dreams in 2023 Setting goals is an integral part of achieving success consistently. However, it can be challenging to stay motivated and achieve your dreams. Fortunately, you can do so if you have a clear plan on how to get there. Without one, your motivation will wane, or you’ll …Read more »

5 Lifestyle Changes with Big Outcomes

Did you know that some habits you consider harmless can affect your well-being? If you get used to a bad habit, you might see it as a part of life, especially if it is common in society. You can choose to break all these habits even if you have not yet experienced their harmful effects. …Read more »

Why People Who Keep A Daily Diary Have Healthier Habits

Planning is all about preparation, and with preparation comes organisation. In times of uncertainty creating a routine gives you tasks you can tick off and feel a sense of accomplishment. Set the foundation of this term by finding an effective way to plan that works for you. If you are naturally very organised or need …Read more »

How Journaling For 5 Minutes A Day Will Change Your Life

Journaling means different things to different people. Some enjoy writing their thoughts out on paper and working through their anxieties or fears, some see it as a meditative practice while others might see it as a path to a more organised life. Whatever it is that has drawn you to journaling, when kept up regularly …Read more »

How Exercise Can Help You Both Physically And Mentally

Managing stress and anxiety with a healthy lifestyle It is important to take time for yourself and  do things that will help improve our wellbeing. These include things like regular exercise, healthy eating and making sure we take time to relax our minds. Exercise is crucial to your mental health just as much as your …Read more »