
Live Life Get Active

Live Life Get Active is building a fitter, healthier and happier Australia and we want people to have fun along the way. With the help of Local Government and Corporate Australia we provide FREE health, fitness and nutritional education both online and in the parks, suburbs and cities of Australia.

How to Know When Your Mental Health is Out of Balance (and What to Do About It)

Just like physical health, mental health can fluctuate over time and is influenced by stress, life events, and even daily habits. When your mental health is out of balance, it can impact everything from your relationships to your ability to focus, work, or enjoy life. The key is to recognize the warning signs early on …Read more »

How I Plan Balance Meals as a Working Mum and Nutritionist (To Ease Life’s Mental Load)

Hi, I’m Jazmyn, Live Life Get Active’s in-house nutritionist, and the mother of a fussy toddler. It can get overwhelming having to plan nutritious meals every week, especially when juggling work, maintaining a house, family time, and all the other stresses that come with life. As a working mum, I’ve really had to fine tune …Read more »

How High is Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes?

The Facts One person is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes every 5 minutes in Australia Diabetes can lead to complications like blindness, amputations and heart disease. This disease is on the rise in Australia, but can be reduced with simple lifestyle changes like healthier eating and regular exercise. You may be at risk even if …Read more »

Busting Myths About Sugar & Diabetes

There are so many myths and misconceptions surrounding diabetes that it can become easy to get confused or overlook important information. Let’s bust some myths when it comes to food and type 2 diabetes together to help you better understand how diabetes works and whether you’re at risk. Myth #1 – Fruit is high in …Read more »

9 Ways to Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is the most common form of the condition and accounts for between 85-90% of diabetes. Unlike Type 1, Type 2 can be prevented by making changes to your lifestyle. If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes making these changes will also have a great effect upon alleviating your symptoms and …Read more »

The Best & Worst Foods To Prevent & Manage Pre-Diabetes

Let’s be real: most of us don’t spend much time worrying about prediabetes—until we’re suddenly facing it head-on. But here’s the thing, even if you don’t have it, you could be on the road to it without even realising it. The way you eat every day can play a role in whether or not you’ll …Read more »

The Power of Exercise for Diabetes Prevention and Management

Exercise Plays an Important Role Across All Types of Diabetes Did you know that every five minutes, one Australian develops Type 2 Diabetes? It is the fastest-growing chronic condition in the country. Although the cause of Type 2 diabetes is not clear, it is strongly associated with risk factors like high blood pressure, being overweight, …Read more »

How Much Weight Do You Need to Lose to Lower Your Pre-Diabetes Risk?

If you’re above a healthy weight range, your risk of developing pre-diabetes increases significantly which puts you at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other complications like heart disease. The good news is that weight is something you can manage through balanced eating and regular exercise. It’s also important to note that even if …Read more »

Are you on the brink of developing diabetes? Re-think these 6 habits

Diabetes is the fastest growing illness in Australia. When you eat food your pancreas turns glucose into insulin that is used as a source of energy. If your body doesn’t make enough or can’t use the insulin correctly then the glucose stays in your blood causing its sugar levels to rise. Having a build up …Read more »

How to Foster Feelings of Connection in Your Life

When you get overwhelmed by all of life’s demands and the constant changes, disruptions and challenges, it can become easy to disconnect and check out emotionally. As the saying goes; sometimes, you’ve got to stop and smell the roses. Nurturing a deeper connection with the world around you can profoundly enhance your overall well being. …Read more »