

Articles and information to help you get the most out of your fitness program.

‘Right Brained’ vs ‘Left Brained’: which one are you?

The truth is, you’re neither. Often you’ll hear people refer to themselves as being either ‘right-brained’ or ‘left-brained’, with the former relating to someone who is more creative and the latter for someone more logical. However, science shows that as humans we aren’t just one or the other. In fact, the brain uses both sides …Read more »

5 Tips To Lose Your Wobbly Tummy

Whether you’re a brand new mum or you still have stubborn fat that won’t go away from childbirth years ago, it’s time to do something about your wobbly tummy! But what is a wobbly tummy? Well, a ‘wobbly tummy’ refers to the layer of fat around your abdomen area that is often built up during …Read more »

5 stretches you should be doing every day

Want to build up your flexibility and strength? Start stretching! Stretching is a crucial step in your everyday life and exercise routine. In fact, it ensures that your muscles stay flexible which increases your range of motion, improves your athletic performance and lessens your risk of injury. By neglecting to stretch regularly, your muscles will …Read more »

14 reasons why boxing should be part of your weekly workout

Boxing is a popular way for many people to integrate strength and cardio into their workout routines. This is because boxing has a range of benefits for your body and mind. As a form of aerobic exercise, boxing is a good way to get your heart pumping, get your muscles and bones moving, improve coordination …Read more »

8 techniques to breath better and how to do them

We take around 20,000 breaths a day and have done so our whole life. The act of breathing comes naturally to us in order to survive, but have you ever been taught how to breathe properly? Doing regular breathe work can help to improve your sleep quality, digestion, strengthen your immune system and reduce your …Read more »

5 daily ‘Me Practices’ to change your life

Ever asked yourself, what are some daily practices that will improve my life? Or maybe you’ve wondered, are there some daily practices to make me happier? If that’s you, the answer is yes! By setting time aside to focus on yourself, you can release tension from your life and bring in more joy. And the …Read more »

6 common mistakes that make you lose muscle not fat

Muscle mass is key to our health. Not only does it keep you strong, it also improves quality of life by lessening the risk of injury and bettering your mobility. But the truth is, many people make the mistake of exercising in a way that burns muscle instead of burning fat – which isn’t good. …Read more »

6 stretches to become more flexible

Stretching is a crucial part of any exercise routine. Not only is it a great way to warm up or cool down before or after exercise, it also keeps your muscles and joints healthy, strong and flexible. Which is super important as you spend more time at home, sitting down or moving less than normal. …Read more »

9 tips to avoid winter weight gain and blues

We are well and truly into the chilly season of the year, and while it may seem like the easy time to let things go a little, it’s important to not let your healthy habits slip. So you might be wondering, how can I avoid winter weight gain? We know that it might seem like …Read more »

7 reasons to get outdoors and exercise

We know that exercising regularly is good for keeping your bones, heart and mind healthy, but did you know the benefits exercise when you choose to do it outside? Getting a daily dose of sun and moving outdoors increases the level of serotonin in our bodies helping us to feel happy. We have put together some …Read more »