
Tips For Targeting Thighs, Bums and Tums

Tummy, Bums, Thighs… Legs, Butts, Tums…

However, you want to say it, there is no denying that these are the areas many of us want to improve but may choose to avoid. We have put together nine of our best tips (three for each body part), to help you achieve results as this areas of your body are just as important as the rest.

Leg Tips

Outdoor Exercise

Lunges are your best friend

The lunge is usually overshadowed by the squat, but it is a highly effective and easy to do exercise. Start with your weaker side first to help you maintain proper form. With or without weights this functional movement has been proven to reduce cellulite as well!

Try for 12-15 lunges on each leg. Repeat 3 times.

Your Thighs are not just your Quads

It is easy to get drawn into simply working on your biggest thigh muscle, the quadriceps. However, a well-toned leg is also achieved by targeting your hamstrings and inner thighs. For your inner thighs lying leg lifts are great (pictured above) and for hamstrings, glute bridges are perfect (as the name suggests they also work your glute nicely).

Try for 12-15 leg lifts on each leg. Repeat 3 times.

You aren’t going to see a change this week!

But don’t be discouraged, heading into any workout expecting immediate results is setting yourself up to fail. Understand that everyone reacts differently to exercise and instead focus on training regularly and effectively, the results will follow, we promise!

Aim for at least 3 at home sessions per week. They don’t have to be long! You can include Rada’s Leg Workout into your weekly schedule and make increasing your strength a goal.

Butt Tips

Outdoor Exercise

Squats are not the only answer!

Whilst there is no denying the power of the trusted squat, it is not the be all and end all of butt exercises. Glutes respond best to variety. Overtraining and over-reliance on any movement will not render the same results as if you look to mix it up. Make sure to introduce other exercises to your standard squat routine.

Try for 12-15 glute bridges (squeezing at the top for a second). Repeat 3 times.

Looking for a short workout? Try out Claudia’s Pilates Booty Burn session to tone and tighten your upper thighs and glutes.

Use a variety of weights

This tip goes for your legs as well. Adding weights to your squat or lunge can help tone up your glutes and legs. They do not need to be heavy. You can use a range if household items as weights if you don’t own dumbbells for example; a bag of apples, onions or rice, a paint can, a big box of washing detergent or heavy book when squatting. Fill up your old 2L milk cartons with water and hold one in each hand while doing lunges.

Try for 10 – 12 squats holding your household weight of choice. Repeat 3 times.

Outdoor Exercise

Slow it Right Down

With whatever exercise, you may be doing you can maximise the results of the workout by just slowing it right down. Try, taking 3-4 seconds on the way of your squat and then 2-3 seconds coming up. You should feel a huge burn throughout the muscle and can get a lot more out of a lot fewer reps.

Stomach Tips

Outdoor Exercise


Use Cardio to burn fat around your waist

Sadly, no matter how many crunches and planks you may do, the fat around your tummy will not turn directly into a six pack of abs. Core strengthening exercises are absolutely essential for balance, posture, mobility and even breathing. But cardio will help burn fat around the tummy! Short for space? No worries you can jog on the spot with high knees, do star jumps, burpees or mountain climbers to name a few.

Try for 30 seconds as hard as you can, then 30 seconds off or at a slower pace. Repeat 10 times.

Get involved with Rada’s Advanced Cardio HIIT Workout  to challenge yourself and build up your core fitness.

Embrace the 80/20 Rule

That is 80% diet and 20% exercise. You can target your abs every day with crunch after crunch and sit up after sit up, but if you’re putting unhealthy food into the body you’re not going to see good results. Eat mainly vegetables, fruit, wholegrains, lean protein and healthy fats. Minimise processed foods high in sugar, fat and salt. Along with exercise, you will start to see results!Outdoor Exercise

Use core exercises as transitional exercise in between sets!

Many people like to save their core exercises for the end of their gym routine. The problem with this is that often you get to the end of your routine and you’re exhausted! Ab exercises are a great transitional exercise and you can do a set of abs or a plank in between cardio sets or your glute and leg sets.

Try for a 30 second plank in between sets.

A great combination workout is Samantha’s Lunges and Core session, targeting your lower and upper body.


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Live Life Get Active is building a fitter, healthier and happier Australia and we want people to have fun along the way. With the help of Local Government and Corporate Australia we provide FREE health, fitness and nutritional education both online and in the parks, suburbs and cities of Australia.