
5 Ways To Visualise Success

Setting goals in life is important, no matter whether it’s in the immediate or distant future. But the truth is, sometimes achieving goals can seem pretty daunting and leave you wondering how you can ensure your goals aren’t just words but become actions.

That’s where visualisation comes in.

What is visualisation?

Confidence is key when it comes to success, and visualisation is a handy technique in becoming more confident in what lies ahead.

Visualisation refers to creating a strong mental image in your mind of the way you want a future event to turn out. This could be a meeting at work, a tough conversation with a friend or even the first time you try a new activity.

Ultimately, by visualising the event in a positive light you are preparing yourself for what’s going to happen and are more likely to perform well.

What are the benefits? Why is it important?

Visualisation and goal-setting have a range of benefits and are both important in many ways. Not only does visualising your success build your self-confidence and positive self-image, it also gives you a great opportunity to get yourself prepared for and practice the feeling of being successful.

On top of that, in instances where you may not achieve what you want to right away, it allows you to re-assess your strengths and weaknesses and better plan your actions to achieve your goal the next time around.

Visualisation is important because it provides structure when it comes to goal-setting and allows you to pre-empt what may happen in the future so you can set a pathway for your actions towards success.

How to visualise your success in 5 easy ways:

Visualisation isn’t about wishful thinking, it’s about turning your thoughts and words into productive and positive action to achieve your goals. With that in mind, here are 5 easy steps to visualising your success:

1. Use positive self talk

Positive self-talk is crucial to your overall well-being and confidence, as it impacts how you feel and what you do. Rather than telling yourself something is too hard or you can’t do it, encourage yourself to give it go. Repeat the phrases “I want to be like that”, “I can be like that”, “I am going to change” out loud or in your head. By telling yourself the best thing is going to happen (rather than the worst) you are setting yourself up for success.

If you need a hand encouraging your positive self-talk, give Michael’s positive thinking meditation a try or check out Shyamala’s self indulgence yoga session.

2. Picture your goals in detail

By picturing your goals in detail you can better map out and visualise what actions you need to take to get to where you want to be. Whether this means preparing what you might say in a situation or practicing a physical movement, padding out the details is important.

Also remember, don’t be thrown off if the picture of your goal changes over time. Allow yourself the flexibility to adjust your goal so that it’s achievable and positive for you.  

3. Write your goals down in a journal

When visualising and setting goals, a good way to ensure you’ll achieve them is by putting pen to paper and making it official. You may want to write them down in a calendar, in a notebook or even on post-it notes on your mirror. Whichever way you choose, remember to read back over them often and add to the list when you need to.

4. Listen to a meditation

Freeing your mind of stress and anxiety is important when visualising success, and a great way to clear the mind is through meditation. Not only can it fight off negative thinking, it also stimulates focus and decision-making which is crucial when it comes to goal setting.

The good news is, the practice of meditation doesn’t need to consume much of your day. In fact, it may only take a matter of minutes to see great results. Give Nadia’s ‘you are enough’ guided meditation a go, and find out how it can help you. Also check out Sam’s HIIT cardio workout to release any negativity from your body and mind.

5. Light a candle and be present in the moment

 Need some tranquility to help you visualise success? Try lighting a candle, finding a quiet spot and allowing yourself to be present in the moment. By focusing on the way you are feeling right now, you’ll be able to better visualise the actions you need to take to achieve your goals in the future.



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