
THE 4 Ps – The Best Character Traits For Achieving Goals

Setting goals important. Goals give you purpose and direction in life and can help you feel more motivated and productive. As important as setting goals is for self-improvement, it is just as important that you work to achieve your goals. With each goal you tick off your list, you will feel a positive impact on your life, mood and attitude.

Some people are really great at setting goals, sticking to them, and making them a reality. These people usually have great ‘P’ersonalities, characterised of the four P’s!

We’ve outlined the four most important character traits that you can harness and develop to increase your chances of achieving all your goals. Equip yourself with the skills and confidence to start living your best possible life.

The 4 P’s!


Setting and achieving goals does not come easy – especially when times get tough. There is one character trait that can help you push through.

Perseverance is defined by commitment to a goal that you have set. It facilitates your long-term ability to overcome hardships and failures.

Life will always throw new obstacles and problems your way that will set you back on your journey. Perseverance is all about staying calm, steady, and strong while facing the struggle. Look your obstacles in the face and take on the challenge with determination.

You develop perseverance when you push through difficult experiences despite wanting to give up. It strengthens your willpower and desire to succeed, and is a trait that will improve your outlook on life.


Whatever your goal may be, staying patient is essential. Without it, you will find yourself quitting well before you get close to the finish line. Before you start your journey, you need to understand that achieving your goal is going to require patience.

It is important to remember that some things simply can’t be rushed; they need your thought and attention to detail to bring to fruition. Not rushing to complete your goals will allow you to focus on the task itself and everything that you learn along the way.

Staying patient is the price you pay for the reward of success.


It is important to note that most things of value in life come over time. The greatest businesses in the world are built upon a mountain of mistakes which they have used as lessons to help them grow. The same can be said for health and fitness, learning what works for you doesn’t happen overnight, it is a period of trial and error.

If striving for weight loss, constantly checking your weight each DAY can be detrimental for your outlook on success, instead checking it gradually week by week will allow you to track your progress in a better way.

Patience may appear to be passive, however, it is an active, purposeful and necessary form of self-discipline.


Persistence and perseverance are built upon the same values. The difference between them is persistence is centred around the short-term ability to overcome adversity whilst perseverance focusses on the bigger picture.

But we can’t lose sight of the smaller nitty-gritty tasks that you face time and time again but refuse to give in to. It is important to be mindful of our ability to push through these challenges. Focus on the small wins and goals each day to prove to yourself just how persistent you are.

If your goal is to become more productive and procrastinate less then give light and celebrate the small tasks you complete that represent productivity.

For example, choosing to make your bed in the morning day in day out may not seem like much but that constant task completion will carry on throughout the day.

When you do anything consistently, you teach your brain that you’re capable of changing your behaviour. A good motto to abide by is “WIN the morning, WIN the day”.


Passion is built upon a strong desire and affection towards something, feeling passionate about the goals we are setting will only strengthen our chances of achieving them.

So, how do we ensure the goals we are setting are driven by passion? How can we fuel our passion on our journey to achieving long term goals.

Well, when we set big, challenging goals it’s easy to see how far we have to go instead of how far we have come and lose enthusiasm.

Passion is something built from the love and connectedness we feel towards something. You must understand what you are doing and why you are doing it to keep you energised and focused.


Live Life Get Active is building a fitter, healthier and happier Australia and we want people to have fun along the way. With the help of Local Government and Corporate Australia we provide FREE health, fitness and nutritional education both online and in the parks, suburbs and cities of Australia.