
7 reasons why you should practise yoga

We’ve put together what we think are the seven key benefits of yoga and how it can change your life. Taking time out of your day to enjoy gentle, stretching exercises is one of the best things you can do for your body.

1. Improves posture

Research has found that good posture is important for maintaining a healthy body throughout your life, so when you start practising yoga it’s no surprise how much better your shoulders will feel and look.

A simple exercise to counteract your tendency of slouching and increasing body awareness to improve your posture is the locust pose.


2. Weight Loss

Practising yoga brings about awareness making you feel more inclined to eat healthy foods. You’ll then be on your way to achieving your weight loss goals as yoga does the following:

  • it’s an effective stress management tool reducing stress eating
  • increases body awareness, specifically relating to hunger and food satisfaction
  • creates awareness and makes you more mindful of what and when you eat

We suggest the warrior pose that can help to increase your body’s metabolism. Give it a try with Katie’s Inner Warrior Yoga session and see how it makes you feel.


3. Increases flexibility

By including yoga into your day or week you will be surprised at how quickly your flexibility increases. Yoga helps to loosen your shoulders, spine, hips, and hamstrings.

You can practise yoga any time of the day when you feel like a good stretch. Check out Tracy’s Workday Relief Yoga for some great stretches and muscle activation, as well as her Hip Opening Yoga session.

4. Breathe Easier

By practicing yoga regularly it can help you to fight colds, flus and other respiratory ailments. Focusing on breathing when feeling stressed helps to calm your body and brings your breathing back to a normal, healthy rate.

Find a quiet place and follow this breathing rhythm that can be done anywhere at any time. Doing this regularly (it only takes a minute) will help to regulate the oxygen flow in your blood, making you more alert and aware.

5. Decrease stress

Yoga helps you to stay calm and relaxed when feelings of anxiety or stress arise. Practising the mindfulness technique of being present helps you to not think about the past, which can create stress, or the future, which can create anxiety.

Michael has a great 15 minute Yoga For Anxiety session that can help bring you into a calm and present state.


6. Improve balance

Yoga improves our balance and confidence helping you to stay centred. With better balance you can improve your fitness levels helping to prevent falls and injuries, as it activates your focus and concentration.

TIP: When doing a yoga balancing pose, keep your eyes focused on one spot helping to maintain stillness and balance. 

To increase your level of strength and assist in your balance Michael has a great Yoga For Strength session to get you started.


 7. Better sleep

Research has shown we are more likely to experience health problems such as anxiety and depression if we don’t get the required amount of sleep every night. Most people need between 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, so we suggest to do the child’s pose right before bed for better night’s sleep.

Practicing yoga regularly draws you into a deeper sleep, helps you to fall asleep faster and improves your sleep efficiency. Stretching and breathing properly has a calming effect on your body helping you to have a wonderful night’s sleep.

yoga mat

We’ve got everything you need to stay active so login and book your active training, yoga class and meditation either in the park or online now.

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Live Life Get Active is a registered health promotion charity that offers FREE outdoor activity camps and wellbeing and nutritional programmes to help address obesity, diabetes and mental health. Our vision is to build fitter, healthier and happier communities right across Australia. Our in-park offering is supported by a comprehensive digital offering.

Live Life Get Active is building a fitter, healthier and happier Australia and we want people to have fun along the way. With the help of Local Government and Corporate Australia we provide FREE health, fitness and nutritional education both online and in the parks, suburbs and cities of Australia.