Healthy Cooking Workshops

Mimi Hayes, Nutritionist, VIC

Mimi is a qualified nutritionist with a Bachelor of Nutrition and Health Promotion. She is passionate about making healthy eating easy, affordable and delicious.

Meal Planning in Winter Workshop

Come along and learn how to prepare and plan your meals to help you avoid gaining weight and to keep your mood up during the cold winter months. Mimi will show you some yummy, comforting and nourishing winter recipes and share her hot tips which will make meal planning and healthy eating a breeze. 

You will learn:

  • How to cook healthy meals on a budget that will nourish your mind and body in winter.
  • How to use leftover food to make another meal, to save time and money.
  • How to use simple ingredients in the cupboard to bulk up meals.
  • An array of quick and easy meal ideas that can be eaten during the week.

 Book your spot now!


Monday 19th July, 7.30pm – 8.30pm
Friday 23rd July, 12.30pm – 1.30pm

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To join our Healthy cooking Workshops complete our registration form. This will also give you access to FREE LIVE online fitness, yoga and meditation classes that run multiple times every day. You’ll also receive your a nutrition plan to meet your needs and more.

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