
The Connection Between Self-Esteem and Relationships: How to Build Healthier Bonds

Self-esteem plays a crucial role in every relationship, from friendships to romantic partnerships. A healthy self-esteem acts as a foundation for resilience, empathy, and authenticity in relationships, enabling us to connect genuinely and securely. When we value ourselves, we’re better equipped to value others and set healthy boundaries. But how exactly does self-esteem influence our …Read more »

Self-Esteem and Aging: Embracing Confidence as You Grow Older

There is too much messaging in the media we consume that tells us being young is an accomplishment, and that ageing is somehow a failure. In a society that upholds youth, it can be easy to lose confidence and self-esteem as you get older. Why should any of us feel shame over going through the …Read more »

How Nourishing Your Body Nourishes Your Confidence

Let’s chat about something we all love – food! Did you know that what you eat can play a huge role in how you feel about yourself? Yes, indeed! Sure!  Think of positive self-esteem as a flower. Without healthy soil, there is no flower. The flower needs nutrients, sunlight, and water to flourish. Just like …Read more »

6 Simple Steps to Help You Get More Downtime

Life seems busier than ever these days, but that’s all the more reason why you need to take time out to recharge your mental and physical well-being. Here are six ways you can prioritise downtime for yourself throughout the day, even if you just have 15 short minutes. Help your household understand your need for …Read more »

How to Be More Mindful by Connecting with Your Senses

Consciousness is dependent on senses and signals. We receive information from the world around us, send this data to our brains, and get messages back to control movement. There’s a huge amount of information flowing through our brains at any time, and it all comes from just five senses. We see with our eyes, hear …Read more »

Eat These 5 Foods for a Better Night’s Sleep

Changing your habits or environment to improve your sleep quality, such as creating a consistent sleep schedule or playing relaxing music before bed, contribute to an important practice known as ‘sleep hygiene’. Improving your sleep hygiene can help you get better, more restorative sleep each night. Diet and nutrition can have a major influence over …Read more »

What to Eat to Reverse Prediabetes

Prediabetes doesn’t have to become type 2 diabetes. You can reverse prediabetes and your blood sugar levels to get them back to normal ranges, reducing your overall risk of progressing to type 2 diabetes. With lifestyle changes (such as healthy diet and exercise) people with prediabetes may be able to lower their risk of developing type …Read more »

Should Men & Women Really Eat The EXACT Same Food?

Men are not from Venus, and women are not from Mars. We all live on the same Earth, and all need to eat to thrive from the nutrition food provides. Although did you know that on average, Aussie men live four years less than women? This statistic alone is worrying. It’s clear that men face …Read more »

How To Eat Your Way To Glowing, Youthful Skin

Prevention is the best and most effective way to work against skin ageing and adds years to your life from the outside. We can’t stop the ageing process; however, it’s proven that what we eat and drink can play a major role in how we age, both on the inside and outside. Just as putting …Read more »

The secret to feeling and staying young

Want to Know the Secret of Feeling and Staying Younger? Ageing is a natural part of life, but you can slow down the ageing process to live your happiest, healthiest life. By making a few simple lifestyle changes, you can feel younger than your years (and stay that way)! And the good news is, it’s …Read more »